How do we update our signature design / layout?

Email signatures change from time to time, and that means getting that layout updated. When your signature is managed using your Care Plan, this means we will help you do this in a way that all your users signatures are consistent and inline with the change. 

This makes your communications consistent and more professional. 

Here are some notes about email signatures, their layout and design restrictions. 

Cross email client design 

As gmail is very different to Outlook, and neither are like a webpage, there are some restrictions to the layout and design possibilities. Here are a few to bear in mind: 

Email safe fonts

We cannot use custom fonts in emails. If your normal brand font comes from Adobe Fonts or Google Fonts, then you will need to align to an 'email safe font' that are installed on every computer and device on the planet. These are: 

  • Arial
  • Courier New
  • Georgia
  • Tahoma
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Times New Roman
  • Verdana

Other fonts may be used in a font stack, but they may not be displayed on some email clients. 

Can I use images in signatures

Yes we can put images into your signature, here are some things to note. 

Image Sizing

Images should be designed to be legible at 420px wide (a mobile phone screen). Creating a 1000px banner with text in it generally isn't readable when you squeeze it into a mobile sized frame. They can end up being distorted and the text will be too small. Therefore, avoid large amounts of text in an image. 

Note that images may not render automatically based on the user email client (Outlook for example does not show images by default) so it's best to keep any key information out of images. 

Image hosting

It is best to have images hosted on your own website, so that when the email is received from the images also come from This is a key marker for spam compliance and deliverability. 

If you use Wordpress for your website, uploaded the images in the Media Library, after optimising them for size. 

Can I replace an image? 

When you have a consistent marketing image for a promo on your signature, e.g. product launch, or seasonal promo we can structure your signature so you can change this when required. 

If you use Wordpress then you can replace an image in your signature (and older signatures) without any involvement from us. Simply go to your media library, locate the image, and replace the image. 

For the link, we'll help you set it up with a vanity URL e.g. and when you change the image you can change the destination of this vanity URL in Wordpress to go to the new page related to the new image. 


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