Wordpress Two Factor Authentication - user security

Your website is important to us, and as a representative of your business it's important we work together to keep it safe. 

We don't want your site to be hacked, damaged or defaced as that means bad news for you, your visitors, and us. 

More than 50% of cybersecurity issues and data leaks happen because of a user giving away a password, not using a secure or unique password and more. There are two great ways to prevent an issue if these occur. 

1. Secure passwords 

Our servers implement a password policy of 12 or more characters. When you login you will be asked to update your password if it is not up to scratch. 

2. Two factor authentication / one time passwords

When you login as an Editor or Admin of your site you will be asked to add two factor authentication. 

We highly recommend using the Authy app (download the app for your device), or keeping your wfa codes within your password manager like BitWarden or Dashlane. 

Here is what it looks like: 

Scan the QR code with Authy, or copy and paste the code into your Authenticator app. Note you can scan this, or use the code on more than one device right now. So you could put it in Authy and BitWarden at the same time for some redundancy. 

Now save your backup codes! The black lines here have been redacted, but these are backup codes that you can use if you loose your MFA device (like your phone). Save these to your password manager, or somewhere else safe and encrypted. 

When you next login you will be asked to enter a one time password from your app, or a backup code if you have lost it. 


If you have none of these options available please reach out to us via a support ticket for assistance. 

Now learn about how our website security works the same way as your online banking. 

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